Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority

All aircraft accidents and serious incidents occurring in Bermuda or involving a Bermuda registered aircraft should be reported to both:

In the event of an aircraft accident or serious incident, contact the AAIB


Continued Airworthiness Management Organisation Approvals

All owners/operators of Bermuda registered aircraft above 2,700 kg MTOM must have arrangements for continued airworthiness management, either by holding an approval or by contracting an organisation that holds such an approval. Any organisation seeking to manage the airworthiness of Bermuda registered aircraft must be approved in accordance with OTAR Part 39.

OTAR Part 39 has three approval options:

  1. Subpart E Option 1: Acceptance of an approval granted by EASA under Part M Subpart G.
  2. Subpart E Option 2: Direct approval by the BCAA of an organisation that does not hold an approval granted by EASA under Part M Subpart G.
  3. OTAR 39 Subpart F: Organisations responsible for airworthiness management of Bermuda registered aircraft operating under an ICAO Article 83 bis agreement with another State must be authorised in accordance with OTAR 39 Subpart F.

Note: By reference to OTAR 39.1(e), the approval options are not at the discretion of the applicant.

Applicable Requirements

Applying for Approval

Apply for approval in accordance with OTAR Part 39 by submitting the CAMO Application – AW-281 form electronically through AIRS.

CAMO Application – AW-281 form can be found under the “Signatories” tab on the left. Once you have completed the application and attached any supporting documentation, click the “submit” button at the top left of the form to submit electronically.

Once the application is submitted, a representative from the BCAA Airworthiness section will email the applicant one to five business days later to provide an update on the status of the application as well as information on the approval process.

The related fees and charges will be invoiced to the applicant, upon completion of the approval process.


One-Time approval may be granted for a defined period and limited work scope, where this is judged to be appropriate to the circumstance, proportionate and in the interests of aviation safety. Applications for a One-Time Approval may be presented, for BCAA consideration, on Form AW 281(OTA).

Required Attachments

OTAR 39 Subpart E (Option 1) Applications:

  • Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME)
  • Copy of EASA Part M Subpart G Approval Certificate
  • Bermuda CAME Supplement

OTAR 39 Subpart E (Option 2) and Subpart F Applications:

Please Note: Addresses provided on any application must be the physical address and not a P.O. Box.