Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority

All aircraft accidents and serious incidents occurring in Bermuda or involving a Bermuda registered aircraft should be reported to both:

In the event of an aircraft accident or serious incident, contact the AAIB

Continuing Airworthiness


For aircraft on the Bermuda Aircraft Registry, the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order requires that design changes (modifications and repairs) are completed in a manner approved by the Governor. OTAR Part 21 defines the aircraft initial certification standards and design change approval requirements. OTAR Part 21 requires that a design change complies with the certification standard of the related product (ref: OTAR 21.73). BCAA will, on behalf of the Governor, approve modifications and repairs, addressing the applicable product certification standard and which have already been approved, under the airworthiness certification systems of FAA, EASA or TCCA, either directly, or through bilateral arrangements.

Note 1: In accordance with OTAR 21.79 when an aircraft is registered in Bermuda, all pre-existing and appropriately approved modifications and repairs, may be accepted by the issue of the initial Certificate of Airworthiness.

Note 2: In accordance with OTAR 21.81 any modification due to the embodiment of a Service Bulletin issued by the Type Certificate Holder, is deemed to be approved by the BCAA, without the need for further approval.

Application for approval of modifications to Bermuda registered aircraft should be made, through the CAMO managing the aircraft, on BCAA Form AW 220.

Application for approval of repairs to Bermuda registered aircraft should be made, through the CAMO managing the aircraft, on BCAA Form AW 233.


All aircraft on the Bermuda Aircraft Registry, the requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Programmes are detailed in OTAR Part 39 Subpart C. Each aircraft must be maintained in accordance with an approved maintenance programme. Maintenance programme content should be aligned to the continuing airworthiness data of the Type Certificate Holder.

Applicants should submit a copy of their maintenance programme for approval, together with the completed BCAA Forms - Aircraft Maintenance Programme Approval – AW-285 and Aircraft Maintenance Programme Checklist – AW-287

Applicants wishing to amend their maintenance programme should submit their amended programme along with the completed BCAA Form Aircraft Maintenance Programme AW-286.

Applicants seeking a one-time variation (alleviation) to the requirements of an approved maintenance programme, should present their justification and safety case on the BCAA Form Application for the Variation of a Maintenance Programme AW-259.